Welcome to the Salesbury Parish Council website
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 10 March 2025 in the Salesbury Memorial Hall Conference Room first floor.
HOUSEHOLD SUPPORT FUND - Please see our newspage for details of the current round applications which are open from 20 November 2024 and how to apply.
The minutes of the Annual Meeting of Electors held in 2024 are now on the website. The minutes can only be proposed and seconded as a true record at the Annual Meeting of Electors next year by two parishioners who attended this years meeting.
The Parish Council hope that you will find the information provided on this site useful and will always consider any suggestions to improve.
There are 3 tiers of local government in Ribble Valley Lancashire County Council/Ribble Valley Borough Council/Parish Councils.
Salesbury Parish Council is made up of 5 members and employs a Clerk, Lesley please contact her on salesburypc@gmail.com with any concerns or ideas for the parish council to look at.
Salesbury and Copster Green is a lovely enclave the Ribble Valley and is surrounded by Common land which is managed by Ribble Valley Borough Council. Some years ago the Salesbury and Copster Green Committee was formed at the request of Salesbury Parish Council and in liaison with Ribble Valley Borough Council. The Committee is made up of 5 Parish Council representatives and 3 Borough Councillors. At the present time the Parish Council commons champion, Maggy Howells, is liaising with Ribble Valley Borough Council in respect of the best way forward in respect of improving communications and actions concerning the protection and improvement of the Common Land.